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B&B Casa Carla

The house...

Casa Carla is an old house built in the first half of the last century. It arouses old times emotions, surrounded by the hills that overlook Pinerolo, about 400 meters high.

It was built by owner's grandparents in 1938. From then on four generations of the family lived here. A typical example of Piedmont style as well as the roof in "pieta di Luserna", the house is made of three floors. Stone and wood distinguish its structure. The architecture follows the model of hill villa in prewar period. The garden is rich in flower and plant species, from palm trees to cedars.

BB Casa Carla

Near to the hills that surround Pinerolo, the house gives possibility to take a relaxing walk in the chestnut woods, enjoying the landscape of the Western Alps where Mount Monviso, covered by snow, looms.

The Owner...

Carla Tibald

Buongiorno, sono Carla;
in questa casa sono nata, cresciuta e tuttora continuo a viverci occupandomene con passione restaurando negli anni l'edificio e risistemando gli interni con arredi d'epoca, scelti con gusto tra quelli appartenuti alla famiglia.

Inoltre a poco a poco ho creato un giardino ricco e vario in sintonia con la casa e l'ambiente circostante, sempre aiutata da marito e figli.

In particolare dal 2000, dopo aver lasciato il mio precedente lavoro da "disegnatrice tecnica", ho deciso di dedicarmi maggiormente alla casa pensando che essa fosse una "location" perfetta per realizzarvi un Bed & Breakfast che la mantenesse, così, viva nel tempo.

Servendovi personalmente la colazione potremo, in quell'occassione, fare reciproca conoscenza.

Carla Tibald

The Bed&breakfast

BB Casa Carla

It's only one kilometer and an half far from the center of Pinerolo. An ideal place to rest or to have a quiet holiday. It's perfect as a point of departure to visit Piedmont and know its treasures. The main entry allows each room to be independent. So our guests are free to return at any time.

On demand, we can suggest points of interest to visit as well as well as renowned restaurants.

The Garden

BB Casa Carla

The green heart of the house

Usable at any season, the garden is the ideal place to tan, relax, take a walk or simply to read a book.

The Breakfast

BB Casa Carla

Usually it's served from 7 to 9 a.m. (optionally in the garden). On demand, the breakfast may be served after-hours.

Our continental breakfast, rich and natural, is prepared with biological and typical products coming from our land. It includes. croissants, hot drinks, sweet and salty foods, fresh bread, yogurt, grain, homemade pies and jams, fruit juice. Dishes of typical salt breakfast can be reserved.

For guest with particular food intolerances, we follow AIC Protocol.